At the National center of scientific and technical expertise hosted the annual ceremony of the independent award "Leader of science – 2017" for high indicators of publication activity and citation according to the information Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics) for 2014-2016 y.
Scientists of the University – academician of NAS RK Ramazanov Tlekkabul Sabitovich, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, PhD Gabdullin Maratbek Tulepbergenovich, PhD Zhandos Moldabekov and young scientist Tomiris Nurlanovna – was awarded in the nomination "Author of highly cited Kazakhstan publication is prepared without the involvement of foreign sponsors".
Thus, the researchers of al-Farabi KazNU once again demonstrated the relevance and high demand of the scientific work in the world. So, Professor T. S. Ramazanov has 129 publications in high impact factor publications database Web of Science Core Collection, h-index equal to 22. PhD Moldabekov Zh has published 27 scientific articles, his h-index is 7.
Overall, in the international database Web of Science Core Collection, there are 3 176 publications of the authors of al-Farabi KazNU, who were quoted 9 129 times.