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The chemistry of life
The presentation of the book, from the book series "Onegeli Omir", about the doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor, academician of Habibullah Ospanov was held at al-Farabi KazNU.
Ospanov Habibullah is the author of many scientific discoveries and inventions, more than 20 monographs and textbooks. His achievements were awarded with National award, an independent award “Platinum Tarlan” in the nomination “Science” and award of the Academy of mineral resources of Kazakhstan named after academician E. A. Buketov for technological developments on the application of chloride hydrometallurgical processes for complex processing of mineral raw materials. Under the guidance of Professor in Kazakhstan was founded a new scientific direction: "Development of physicochemical principles the General principles to predict properties of complex molecules (minerals) and speed unstudied competing reactions" and "Chemistry of unithiol". The works of the scientist and his scientific work has gained recognition abroad: in 2011, the international Association for hydrogen energy in the United States (Miami) nominated Professor Ospanov H. for the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
"Thanks to the amazing tenacity and courage of scientific Ospanov Habibullah has made a significant contribution to the theory of management of the physico-chemical processes and consistent dissolution of minerals and inorganic materials with purposeful change of their properties, which is very important for the chemical industry, hydrometallurgy, Geochemistry. Ospanov Habibullah realized his longtime dream – to create a theory applicable in practice", - said the rector of the KazNU Mutanov Galym.
"Habibullah Kussainovich created a strong scientific school of chemists, known in many countries of the world. His students, doctors, professors E. Ablanova, D. Kamysbaev, A. Ospanova, A. Nukhuly, R. Omarova – remarkable scientists and educators of our country", - noted Zulhair Mansurov the Director of the Institute of combustion problems at the al-Farabi KazNU.
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