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«Educated youth - the future of the eternal country»
«Educated youth - the future of the eternal country»
At the initiative of the dean of the faculty of oriental studies of al-farabi kazakh national university y.m. Paltore, lecturers and students have met with teachers and pupils of 10-11 classes of a school gymnasium no. 123 of hodzha ahmet yassawi of auezovsky district of almaty.
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss president n.a. Nazarbayev’s message "new opportunities for the development of the fourth industrial revolution" and to discuss the legacy of khoja ahmed yassawi in his report "yassawi talks about the modern generation".
At a meeting the dean of the faculty of oriental studies, phd, paltore yktiyar moldatoreuly has concentrated attention on importance of the address to live of the country and detailed information about "generation of knowledge - a key to our future", "the human capital - a modernization priority".
"since the independence of kazakhstan, the kazakh people are striving to be together with the strongest countries of the world on the same level. Of course, the purpose of the president's message is to make the country competitive in the world economy. The people of kazakhstan must fulfill the political course and implement the president's plan with a commitment to unity and prosperity. Obviously, the president's address is the course of the future. At this stage, we would like to focus on the seventh, especially in ten directions of this epistle. As the head of state notes, "human capital is the basis of modernization", it is very important for us to review programs in this area and develop the ability to acquire new knowledge, in the transition to a new quality of education. We believe that every citizen of the country should be guided by the message, which is related to his favorite business and activities. Our future is the task of schoolchildren with the problem of education and upbringing of the younger generation. The educated generation is our bright future ", - thus y.m. Paltore has successfully noted that the future of the state is in the hands of the future generation.
The meeting consisted of two parts: 1. Discussion of the president nazarbayev’s message "new opportunities for development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution"; 2. "yasavi tells the section of the report about modern generation" (with the emphasis on studying of heritage and hodge ahmet's doctrine of yassaui);
During the first part, the teachers and mentors shared their views on the new treatment trends of 2018 and what works should be carried out to implement the message. In addition, participants expressed confidence that they had contributed to the implementation of the ten steps outlined in the message.
The second part of the report, "yasawi tells today's generation", was focused on studying the legacy and teachings of khoja ahmed yasawi and highlighted some of the most acute problems. Head of the department of turkic studies, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor kydyr tore edilbayuly in his speech titled "teaching in wisdom" urged young people to distinguish between teaching and learning, modesty and the value of life. Associate professor of the department of the middle east and south asia, ph.d., akbota karibaykyzy ahmetbekova stressed the great role of divani hikmet in youth education.
A special atmosphere was created by the participants of the meeting by reading expressive poems in eight oriental languages (arabic, turkish, korean, chinese, persian, japanese, urdu, hindi), specially prepared by the students of the faculty of oriental studies of the kazakh national university.
At the end of the meeting, director of the school of almaty gymnasium № 123 named after khoja ahmet yassawi bagil ashimbayev, expressing gratitude to the dean of the faculty of oriental studies of kaznu, phd, y.m. Paltore and his team, expressed a sincere desire to cooperate in the future together with many scientific projects and olympiads of kaznu.
Summing up the meeting, the dean of the faculty of oriental studies of the kazakh national university, phd, paltore yktiyar moldatoreuly said the following:
- the republic of kazakhstan entered a new era of development, the third twelve-year cycle of our independence. That is why it is necessary not only to analyze the message, but also to promote the awareness of each generation in the education and training of young people, in order to strengthen the fortitude and independence of our independence. Then the future of the kazakh people will be an ideal and bright future! The president's address is a breakthrough. This is the opinion of teachers and teachers. As a result of the collective discussion of the main document of the year, we were able to consider a wide range of issues. Particular attention is paid to social issues, and an increase in wages during the crisis, which increases the commitment of citizens to work.
The president called his people: "by keeping unity at a crucial moment, we need to spend our time and energy for the good of the country. Let's stick to the principle, one for all and all for one! ".