The work was carried out within the framework of the research project of the Korean Studies Center of the Faculty of Humanities.
The seminar was attended by more than 20 professors, associate professors and doctoral students of Tokyo University, invited professors from 5 universities in Tokyo, specializing in Korean studies. Within the framework of the visit, the head of Far East department Yem N.B. read a course of lectures on the topic "Korean people in Kazakhstan: history and modernity".
Moreover, at the beginning of the new 2017-2018 academic year, professor of humanities sciences Tonomura Masaru(Tokyo University) visited the Far East department. Within the framework of the visit, there was a course of lectures and moreover there was a discussion of the topic of the joint study with Professor Tonomura Masaru and associate professor Natalia Yem "Korean Diaspora in Japan".
This meeting was the basis for concluding an agreement between the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Tokyo and the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU. Al-Farabi. The signing of the contract is planned in two months.
The Kazakh delegation visited the University of Koryo (Tokyo), the central office of Korean residents in Japan at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Japan.
Department of the Far East