The Department of Biomedical Statistics and Evidence Medicine of the Medical Faculty of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi with the support of the Public Fund "International Medical Fund" Severance-KZ " has been organized a research internship from March 24 to April 2, 2018 for masters for the specialty "6M110200-Public Health". The research internship was devoted to the topic "Hospital Management".
The Fund has been organized 10-day course, consisting of theoretical and practical exercises, which were held on the basis of the clinic "Severance". During the internship, all undergraduates were introduced to the healthcare system in Korea, its features, modern patient-oriented, hospital-replacing technologies in the clinics of Korea, special attention was paid to modern aspects of hospital management. "Severance" сlinic has qualified personnel for conducting seminars, lectures and consultations to develop practical recommendations for the performance of scientific work of undergraduates.
During the internship, undergraduates students showed their readiness to complete the scientific work, they received the necessary amount of theoretical and practical knowledge for further use in their professional activities.
Department of Biomedical Statistics and Evidence-Based Medicine expresses gratitude for the help in the organization of the research internship to President An Larissa Veniaminovna of the Public Foundation "International Medical Fund" Severance-KZ ".
Department of Biomedical Statistics and Evidence-Based Medicine