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Project European Union ERASMUS +
On October 21-26, 2018, within the framework of the European Union ERASMUS + Project Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (CBHE) DIREKT, meetings and trainings were held at the Al-Farabi Library
On October 21-26, 2018, once again another training project DIREKT (Development of Transregional Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning and Knowledge Economics) was held on the basis of the Al-Farabi Library. The organizers of this training: Coordinator of the project at Al-Farabi KazNU Sultangalieva G.S., project participants: Suinova A.T. (Department of «World History, Historiography and Source Study», Faculty of «History, Archeology and Ethnology»), Karagoyshieva D.A., Ongarbaeva M.S. (Department of «Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of the Faculty of «Philology and World Languages»), Tuenbaeva K.T. (Director of the «Al-Farabi Library»), Tastankulov E. (Chief Librarian). Trainings were attended by partner universities: Mordovia State University Yeni N.P. Ogarev, Far Eastern Federal University, Baltic Federal University named after Immanuel Kant, NP NEICON, Petrozavodsk State University, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Seifullin, Beijing Institute of Technology, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology.
The purpose of the event is to monitor the effectiveness of the project implementation stages, discuss the impact and sustainability of the project, as well as the results and achievements in accordance with the approved project plan, its effectiveness and the strategy for disseminating the project results. This event is one of the key activities of the project program for 2018-2019. The program included training meetings of the working groups of Didactic and Scientific Working Group Meeting (DSWG) and Information Literacy Module Working Group (ILMWG). The trainings were conducted by DIREKT (Development of Trans-Regional Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning and Knowledge Economy) Project Coordinators Padraig Kirby and Gerald Kavanagh from Limerick Institute of Technology (Limerick, Ireland) on the development of Module 7 “Information Literacy and Academic Writing 2 (LIT)” and Module 8 “English for professional purposes”.
At the opening of meetings and trainings the First Vice-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU M.M. Burkitbayev welcomed guests. In his opening speech the First Vice-Rector emphasized the importance of transforming the education system, which is caused by structural changes in society, its informatization, and the increasing role of knowledge as the basis for modern development, which determines not only the strategy of universities, but also university libraries. The role of information resources in the era of globalization is very relevant and students, professors and young scientists should choose the right material for scientific research, avoid plagiarism in the world of digital information, also noted that Al-Farabi library is mainly focuses on academic excellence, technical development and technological training that meets modern requirements, which in turn directly affects the success of the university.
After completion of the training, all participants, project coordinators from partner universities received certificates of attendance.