According to the invitation of the Dean of faculty of biology and biotechnology al-Farabi KazNU Professor B. K. Zayadan at the Department of biotechnology from 16.11.2018 to 06.12.2018 y. with a series of lectures for doctoral students and young scientists is one of the most cited in the world of modern Russian scientists in the field of biology Professor Suleyman Allakhverdiev, who annually over the past three years has been awarded the prizes of Clarivate Analytics, the Creator of the Web of Science database in the category "Biology".
Currently he is the head of controlled photobiosynthesis laboratory of the plant physiology institute of RAS, the chief researcher of the Institute of fundamental problems of biology of RAS, Professor of the Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, Professor of the Moscow Institute of physics and technology and head of "Bionanotechnology" laboratory of molecular biology and biotechnology institute (Baku, Azerbaijan).
During his stay in the walls of our University Professor S. I. Allakhverdiev will read a series of lectures on a new direction of research in the field of nanobiotechnology, in particular the system of artificial photosynthesis using protein structures to produce molecular hydrogen as an alternative source of energy and the use of photosynthetic crops for biofuel production.