At the faculty of philosophy and political science of the Kazakh national University. research center "Youth". Al-Farabi presented the national report "Youth of Kazakhstan-2018".
The results of the study reflect many issues related to the younger generation of the country. The analysis of the situation of youth in social, political, education and science, employment and entrepreneurship, health and leisure, religion, offenses, as well as recommendations for improving youth policy. Questions were also raised about how young people identify themselves, what their worldview and culture are and how they adapt to reality.
The sample size was 2000 respondents. As noted by the Director of SIC "youth" Talgat Kaliyev: "the National report recorded all socially significant data on youth for the current year. From information on migration, marriage and divorce to information on crime and disease. These are statistics and the results of our own research. The report is intended not only for young people, but also for government agencies and decision makers. The target audience is quite wide."
Well-known political scientists, representatives of state bodies, Republican youth organizations, teachers and students of KazNU took part in the discussion. al-Farabi, opinion leaders, experts and specialists in the field of youth policy.
Department of political science and political technologies