The Head of the Department of Diplomatic Translation of the Faculty of International Relations of KazNU, Professor Almash Seidikenova, gave a course of lectures and held a conference at the University of Geneva (Switzerland).
It is one of the most famous Universities in Europe, which was founded in 1559 and it has a rich history and scientific traditions. In the «QS» world ranking it takes the 108th place. Lectures for undergraduates and doctoral candidates were successfully held at the Faculty of «Education and Psychology». In addition, during her stay in Geneva, Professor A. Seydikenova organized and held a conference «The Education System of Kazakhstan after Joining the Bologna Process». At this event, she introduced the participants with the main directions of KazNU’s activities and its achievements, and invited her colleagues to conduct joint research, and students to visit the leading University in Kazakhstan within an academic exchange program or internship.
During the visit, she also worked on the project «Intercultural Approaches in Teacher Education: a Comparative and Exploratory Study Switzerland-Kazakhstan» with Professor A. Akkari, and established scientific contacts with scientists of Applied Linguistics, Interpretation and Translation.
Highly appreciating the professional work of Professor Almash Seidikenova, the University of Geneva invited her once again to continue her lecturing in June of this year.
Department of Diplomatic Translation