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Master Class from the Master
The Master class of the Visiting Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Organization, Andrei Grzybowski, was held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care within the framework of the Winter School. Its topic was devoted to the multidimensional method of statistical data processing. As the audience noted, the main feature of this master class was the plain language of presentation that made the complex material easy to understand.
During the lecture, participants have analyzed examples and performed complex tasks. The knowledge gained is necessary for self-processing of their own data for international publications. Currently, multidimensional statistical data processing methods are used in more than 90% of scientific articles published in leading foreign biomedical journals.
In Kazakhstani and Russian editions, multidimensional data processing methods are rarely found. However, in many Universities in the post-Soviet space, the application of not only one-dimensional, but also multidimensional methods are already strongly recommended when preparing dissertations. In European Universities it is almost impossible to defend a thesis without the use of multidimensional methods.
Professor A.M. Grzhibovsky has fifteen years of experience in teaching research methodology in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Russia. He is the Director of the Central Research Laboratory of the NSMU (Arkhangelsk) and a Professor at the Department of Public Health, Health Care, General Hygiene and Bioethics of the NEFU (Yakutsk). He is the author of more than 500 scientific papers, most of them were published in international journals. Under his leadership as a foreign scientific consultant, more than forty PhD doctoral students defended their thesis.
Taking into account the lack of sufficient mathematical training in health care workers, the main task is to show the type of method that should be applied in practice, depending on the objectives of the study and the type of data available. During the lecture, special attention was paid to the interpretation of the results of the use of certain data processing methods and methods of their presentation.