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Media Dialogue in Trans-Ili Alatau
Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU, with the support of the Almaty Cluster Bureau of UNESCO and the UN Information Bureau, held the next International Winter School of Journalism & Communication dedicated to the World Radio Day.
The Winter School has been held since 2014 and this year it was attended by venerable journalists, media specialists and scientists from Canada, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, and Kyrgyzstan.
During the opening ceremony of the Winter School, Abdurakhim Mukhidov, Head of the UN Information Bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vlastimil Samek, Head of the UN Global Communications Department, Almash Arenova, Head of the Political Group of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made a congratulatory speech. During the three-day work of the Winter School, many practitioners and specialists spoke out on the joint solution of common issues to develop and strengthen dialogue, tolerance and peace.
Thus, Sergey Karpov, a Specialist of the UNESCO Cluster Office for Communications and Information, made a presentation on «Radio as a Means of Developing Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace». Professor Rafis Abazov presented the educational program «Communication for Development», the Professor of the University of Central Asia, Evangeliya Papuatsaki held a seminar on «Building Waves: Development of Communications and the Role of Radio in Social Transformations».
Journalists-practitioners gave lectures on the role of Media in society, talked about the practical skills and difficulties of work encountered in the daily life of the journalist and presented case studies. Particularly interesting presentations were presented by Avgan journalists who organized the Round Table «Peace, Dialogue and Tolerance in Afghan Journalism». Among them were BBC news reporter Safi Hamed, «TV News» reporter Nuraksh Nargis, «Tolo News» reporters Shahid Anisa and Ashrafi Nabilla, «Tolo News» Magazine PR Director Shahabi Royen, reporter for «Voice of America» Mar Jan Sadat. Each of them told about the most relevant and hot topics that have matured in society and are discussed in the global media space.
An evening of Art and an Hour of Poetry «Dialogue of Culture» were also held on the dialogue platform, which united everyone. The event was held in the Ile-Alatau State National Park of Almaty region.