
Overseas Internship


Graduate students of the Department of Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (A. Assembayev, G. Zhumabayeva, A. Kyrygyzbaeva, A. Lemisova, A. Nizaliev, A. Zhienalina and A. Abdrahman) underwent international training at ECM Space Technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of the Berlin Technical University (Germany) under the internship program "Industry 4.0 - Digital Revolution."

During the internship period, undergraduates listened to lectures by leading professors on the following topics: “Industry 4.0 problems with respect to traditional industries”, “Production Automation”, “Machine Learning”, “Intellectual Information Systems”, and also learned a lot about the trajectory of technology development and their interaction with production and business. Participated in a master class on the modern Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) of Professor Orlov M. A. At the end of the training, we received certificates confirming the internship and novice engineer for participating in a master class on modern TRIZ.

There were guided tours of the production parts of BMW and Volkswagen with a focus on industry - 4.0. During the tour, we familiarized ourselves with the methods of production automation, about how the process of developing parts for cars and motorcycles works.

Department of Mechanics