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«Parasat» Trade Union's Strategy
KazNU hosted the annual reporting conference of members of the local workers’ union «Parasat» of Al-Farabi KazNU.
Reporting on work for 2018, the Chairman of the Trade Union, T.K. Mekebaev highlighted that a strong trade union organization is an association of active, conscious and competent workers. Only through a strong organization, trade union members are able to conduct decent negotiations with the employer and achieve better working conditions. And the President N.A. Nazarbayev constantly pays attention to improving the lives of Kazakhstani people and this becomes the main task of the union as well. Today 4,239 people are registered in the trade union, including 183 veterans. They are united in 32 structural divisions. In the reporting year, two divisions were added - the Center for Medicine and Biotechnology and the Faculty of Information Technology.
During the reporting period, within the framework of social protection, University employees were provided with targeted material assistance, compensation was awarded for sanatorium-resort treatment, and material support was provided to University veterans. All this was made possible thanks to the support of the leadership of KazNU headed by its Rector Galym Mutanov.
Each unit, based on the number of its employees, receives coupons for preferential meals. Regular meetings were held with tenants to eliminate deficiencies in catering. At the end of the year, the Trade Union Committee checked the correctness of the allocation of coupons by Departments.
Work is underway to organize protected parking lots on the territory of KazNU, to check the work of canteens and buffets, to determine the discounts for study for children whose parents work at KazNU.
Among cultural events, the Olympics «Health», «Week of Purity», a competition for the best yurt, timed to Nauryz, were particularly highlighted.
The Trade Union is constantly working with the children of University employees. On Children's Day, events were held at the Military Department, in the Students' Palace, in the Biological Museum and the Scientific Library.
An important place in the social policy of the members of the «Parasat» Trade Union Committee is given to the organization of summer recreation activities. Vouchers to the Sanatorium in Issyk-Kul were distributed as well as vouchers to Kazakhstan’s sanatoriums were subsidized. Weekend day trips have proven themselves very well.
An important direction in the activities of the «Parasat» Trade Union is the cultural work. Anniversary greetings were organized during the year. These events are very popular among the Union members, and it helps to create the necessary conditions for informal communication.
Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Sh. E. Jamanbalaeva praised the activities of the Trade Union. The best Trade Union divisions of the University were named at the Conference and new members of the Trade Union Committee were selected.