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The XI Republican student Olympiad of knowledge on Oriental Studies, which is the annual event was held at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU named after al-Farabi. The number of participants in the section of Korean studies this year was 27 students from KazNU named after al-Farabi, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov.
The Olympiad was held in two rounds. The task of the first round was to perform a test which task on language skills, history, regional geography and writing an essay in Korean on the topic “What is the meaning of your life?”. According to the results of the first round, 10 people out of 27 successfully passed to the second round of the Olympiad, the mission of second round is to present to the jury their presentations on the topic “If I had done benchmarking from Korea”.
At the end of two rounds, participants were awarded prizes. The 4th year student of Department of the Far East(Korean Studies) of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi - Kairgaliyeva Aizhan took the 1st place,2nd places were taken by senior students of Department of the Far East(Korean Studies) of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU named after Al-Farabi - Saylaukenova Aigerim and Serik Meruert, 3rd places were shared between 2nd year students from ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov - Toktarbekov Anel and KazNU named after al-Farabi - Otegen Gauhar and Turysmaganbetov Kundyz. All winners of the Olympiad were awarded special diplomas and cash prizes from sponsors.
The great work of teachers of the Korean language should be noted, they are Pak T.N., Abagan A.B. and the teacher of history of Korea Tashkenbaeva B.Zh., they made students of KazNU named after al-Farabi were able to achieve high results.
Conducting the annual Republican Olympiad on Oriental Studies has a special meaning for the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and this has become a tradition. Participation in the Olympiad improves knowledge of the oriental language, helps students discover their creative abilities, forms the interest of students in the studied subject, chosen profession, researched activity,as well as their focus on achievements, contributions to tempering character, and most importantly developing themselves and contributing to the development of Oriental studies in Kazakhstan, and also serves support for the most talented and gifted students.