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In the framework of the VI «Farabi Readings» International Forum, lectures by foreign professors from the University of Lorraine (France) and Karadeniz Technical University Trabson (Turkey) were held at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi KazNU. Students and academic staff of the faculty participated at the lecture of biologists, and they have obtained the answers to their questions of interest on the preservation of the soil and the environment.
Today, more than 1/4 of all biological species of organisms of our Planet inhabit the soil, and from the soil a person gets 95 percent of his food. Due to environmental pollution by organic pollutants, the planet Earth loses 24 billion tons of fertile soil, which negatively affects the quality of agricultural products.
According to scientists, using the latest developments to reduce the pollution of the soil and the animal's body with pesticides and other organic resistant connectors, it is possible to prevent the availability of all types of contaminants that pass through the food chain to the consumer. Speaking about the quality of the soil, scientists focused on the research conducted at Universities, which can now be applied in production. Currently, four PhD students of KazNU have been undergoing an internship at the laboratory of the University of Lorraine. During the many years of cooperation between Universities, many undergraduates and PhD students have completed a double degree program and have successfully completed internships.
As the scientists noted, «Kazakhstan is a country that is developing dynamically and quickly. This gives a new impetus to enhance the work with the University. During the lectures, after the presentation, a lot of questions were asked by the students, and this means that they are growing incredible interest and they are really interested to get new knowledge and develop. I am very inspired by this and it is interesting for me to work with students and colleagues from KazNU», - said Professor Zini Demirbag, Karadeniz Technical University Trabson (Turkey).
It should be noted that the Professors visited the University within the framework of the Erasmuz + program, which was aimed at attracting new undergraduates to study under the double diploma program and undergo an internship at the University of France.
«I am for the first time at KazNU and my stay here inspires me. You have beautiful landscapes, a magnificent campus that every student can dream of. For me, the Biological Museum, was a complete surprise. And I very much hope that our cooperation will continue further, we will work together on common projects and ideas», - said Cyril Fayley, a scientist from the University of Lorraine.