On April 10, 2019, a Round Table entitled Actual Issues of Development of Geology and Mineralogy in Kazakhstan was held at Al-Farabi KazNU, which was organized by the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management of KazNU in the framework of the International Scientific Conference «VI International Farabi Readings».
The Round Table was attended by representatives of the Institute of Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, GeoMineProject LLP, the Center for Historical Heritage. K.I. Satpayev KazNRTU, and the academic staff, doctoral and undergraduate students of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management of Al-Farabi KazNU. The speakers spoke about the scientific contribution and achievements of Academician K.I. Satpayev, and considered various issues of Geology and Mineralogy.
Presented reports received a positive assessment from the participants of the event. The scientific achievements of academician K.I. Satpayev and the current problems of Geology, and the possibility of introducing the specialty of «Geology» in all Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including Al-Farabi KazNU, have been discussed during the Conference. In the course of discussion, it was proposed to take into account a sufficient number of disciplines in the direction of Geology in developing new educational programs. It was decided to consider the inclusion of the discipline «Satpayev's Readings» in the educational process.