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Kazakhstan in a Multipolar World: Economic Scenarios
The international scientific-practical conference «Kazakhstan in a Multipolar World: Economic Scenarios» was held within the framework of the VI International Farabi Readings, and it was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU and the 70th anniversary of the Higher School of Economics and Business.
Conducting of International Farabi Readings has become a tradition at a leading Kazakhstani University. For six years, Farabi Readings have gained wide popularity among Universities in the world as well as scientific community.
In the year of the 85th anniversary of KazNU, within the framework of the Farabi Readings, major international scientific events were held to unite the efforts of Kazakhstani and foreign scientists in solving global problems of the development of society, state and individual.
On April 9, the grand opening of the conference «Kazakhstan in a Multipolar World: Economic Scenarios» was held with the participation of both domestic and foreign scientists, representatives of business sector, and the Heads of the largest Universities in Kazakhstan. The international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of HSEiB was held in the Scientific Library of Al-Farabi KazNU.
At the Plenary Meeting, a report was made by R.Sagiyeva, Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business, who told about the history and achievements of the Faculty, as well as strategic directions for future development. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Board of Directors of University of Narchosis JSC Svyatov S.A. revealed topical issues of the banking sector of Kazakhstan. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the Institute of Economics spoke about the strategy of ensuring the economic security of the country. Of the foreign scientists, PhD, Professor of the University of Padua (Italy), David Cheletti, spoke on the topic of Italian-Eurasian commercial relations. KZIBank Chairman of the Board Olekli J. spoke in detail about the possibility of applying Turkey’s experience in developing the banking sector in Kazakhstan’s realities. No less interesting reports were heard by the Chairman of the Board of the Public Works Bureau, Honorary Member of the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shyutts D.A., Professor of KazNU Mukhamediyev B.M., Grandson of the 1st Dean of the Faculty Zherebyateva F.A., Member of the Board of Directors of Money Experts Zherebyateva D.I., Professor, Head of the Finance Department of the Narchosis University Adambekova A.A., and KBS group General Director M. Akataev.
The plenary session was continued with parallel sessions in four areas:
- XXI century: Prospects for Development of National Economies in the Global Space;
- Control in a Multipolar World: Trends and Prospects;
- Accounting and Auditing in the Conditions of the Formation of a Multipolar World;
- Market for New Financial Technologies: Challenges and Solutions.
At the session «The Market of New Financial Technologies: Challenges and Solutions», 42 articles from different Universities of Kazakhstan and Russia were announced: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Institute of Economics of the Committee of Science MES RK, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Oryol State University, and etc. 37 scientific papers were predented, on which the discussion developed in the framework of the following questions:
1) information security system in a digital economy transformation;
2) digital changes in financial services;
3) new financial technologies in banks of the first and second level;
4) improvement of electronic payment systems.
Following the discussion, the proposed recommendations touched upon the need to enhance the role of Universities in society through the digitalization of education, strengthen the link between education and research, coordinate the joint activities of Universities in Kazakhstan and strengthen their connections with Universities of other countries, develop modern methods and forms to stimulate innovative financial technologies, organizing an event to ensure digital literacy of the population, as well as activating corporate-trained for specialists, complementing the communication and technical competence of profession.