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National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan (NAS HSK) is celebrating 25 year anniversary
There was held an extended meeting of the Presidium and the general meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan (NAS HSK) in the Scientific Library of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi. In his opening remarks, the rector of KazNU, academician Galym Mutanov, noted that today the most important public professional association is 25 years old. All these years, NAS HSK served as an intellectual platform on which proposals were developed for making decisions at various levels: legislative, governmental, departmental, we also tried to influence society as a whole. Based on the solution of problems: - to be a driving force in creating a research school;
- in determining the selection criteria of the 20 best universities in the country;
- in the formation of educational programs and a contingent of students on an objective and transparent basis.In a ceremonial atmosphere the President of the NAS HSK academician Galym Mutanov awarded the medal "Kazakhstan Jókary Mektebіn Enbek Sіnirgen Kayratkeri" to 5 famous scientists, members of the NAS HSK for speci |
A report on the topic: "Results of work for 2018-2019 and new tasks of the Academy" was made by the chief scientific secretary of the NAS HSK, academician A. Kupchishin. Expanding the content of the work of the Academy, the chief scientific secretary mentioned the role of the NAS HSK in Kazakhstan society, noted the projects of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan, and highlighted the international relations of the Academy.
Speaking about modern trends in science and technology, A. Kupchishin highlighted the problem of digitalization and emphasized that NAS HSK together with universities are implementing a transition to a new level of providing educational services in digital format on the Mass Open Online Courses platform.
In the discussion of the report of the scientific secretary of NAS HSK
A.I. Kupchyshin such kind of honorable members of NAS HSK took an active part: the rector of KazUIRWL named after Abylai Khan Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Salima Kunanbayeva, Rector of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University. D. Serikbaeva, Doctor of Biology Zhasulan Shaimardanov, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University Ph.D. Askar Hikmetov.
In the afternoon, the participants of the meeting took part in the conference "Ways to improve the competitiveness of universities of Kazakhstan". Within the framework of this conference, Academician-Secretary of the NAS HSK Burkitbayev made a report on the theme: “Defining the criteria for the development and promotion of the 20 best universities in Kazakhstan”.
Then, Galym Mutanov handed over certificates to the newly elected correspondent members and full members of the NAS MSC.