


Staff of the military Department of KazNU visited the lyceum «Arystan» in order to teach military-patriotic consciousness in youth.

«The «Arystan» Specialized Lyceum, opened by the Knowledge Fund of the President of Kazakhstan, was established to educate qualified specialists in the Armed Forces, Internal Affairs and National Security. The «Arystan» Lyceum, which was opened in 2011 and initially educated the pupil, has achieved some success in a short period. In 2013, our first student were graduated from the lyceum. Almost all of those graduates have entered military higher education institutions. Our graduates have continued their education in Russia, Belarus, USA, Turkey and China. I am convinced that our children will become a true specialist, true Motherland defender in the future in the interests of the country», - said the head of the specialized lyceum «Arystan», the Honorable veteran of the Armed Forces, Major-General Sabit Taulanov, who met with the staff of the KazNU’s Military Department.

The two-part lecture «How to become a Patriot of our Homeland!», focused on the values of Kazakhstani society, the challenges and threats of our independence, and the lecture was ended with a concert program entitled «I am a Patriot».