Al-Farabi KazNU has been actively implementing the program «Invitation of Foreign Scientists and Specialists». In order to give lectures and conduct joint scientific research, Professor of the Jyväskylä Business School (Finland), Ayzhaz Sheikh, visited the University.
Professor Aijaz Shaikh is a world-renowned scientist, famous for his research in digital technology in the field of marketing. His research interests include digital technology, mobile applications, and digital marketing. He is the author of more than 30 scientific papers, 24 publications in the Scopus database, including papers with a high impact factor, (h-index: 9). In addition, he is the foreign supervisor of the PhD students at the Faculty of the Higher School of Economics and Business.
In Al-Farabi KazNU, Professor has been working with colleagues on a plan for joint publications, research projects and teaching materials. The main purpose of his visit is to give lectures and conduct seminars on the topic «Writing and publishing articles in journals with a high impact factor» («Scientific Writing», «Academic Writing», and «Scientific Methodology») and consultative lectures on the preparation and sending of scientific papers in high impact factor journals for PhD students.