


The celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi has been launched in KazNU. A significant day has started with the presentation of «Al-Farabi Center». The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Krymbek Kusherbaev.

«Al-Farabi Center» was created on the base of the Republican Research and Training Centre «Al-Farabi and Spiritual Culture of the Kazakh People», opened on 1 January 1993 in KazNU, – highlighted Bekzhan Meirbaev, the Director of the Institution. However, in the light of large-scale anniversary events, its functions have been expanded - in addition to research and educational functions, the Center is engaged in popularizing the ideas and creativity of the Great thinker. In addition, an online portal is being created with high-quality educational content, massive online courses and discussion platforms where scientific publications and articles will be discussed. In fact, this is an open dialogue platform for the Farabi scholars of the whole world».

The State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Krymbek Kusherbaev and honored guests were introduced to the museum expositions at the Al-Farabi Center. They also visited the halls dedicated to the First President of Kazakhstan, Abai, the representatives of the Alash movement, as well as the Rare and Valuable Books Fund, and a digital reading room.