
Rukhani Zhangiru: Three Years of Modernization


April 12 marks three years since the announcement by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev, of the program for the modernization of public consciousness – «Rukhani Zhangiru». Over these years, the program has become the basis of a new ideological platform and a powerful mechanism has been launched to modernize all spheres of life in Kazakhstani society.

The deep meaning of «Rukhani Zhangiru» program is associated with the liberation of consciousness of the nation from all that prevents it from moving forward, and the formation of advanced, progressive, and free from remnants of the past social thinking.

Thousands of employees of Al-Farabi KazNU have joined this historical process and they have been actively involved in its implementation. The University’s multifaceted activities are aimed at implementing the Rukhani Zhangiru program, which are reflected in the projects and initiatives of scientists, teachers and students, which can be found at: