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Military Department Online
During the quarantine period to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, the distance-learning courses with students have been conducted successfully at the Military Department of Al-Farabi KazNU. Distance learning has intensified the initiative and autonomy of students and teachers.
The work on introducing and using online and offline forms of training in the educational process is carried out systematically at the Military Department and is aimed, first of all, at providing quality training for future defenders of the Motherland. The Head of the Military Department, Reserve Colonel O.V.Azhimov, has approved the instruction «On the Procedure for Students’ Training using Distance Learning Technologies during Quarantine Measures». For constant communication with students in each training platoon, mailboxes have been opened, and chats and skype groups have been created.
Objectively, certain types of practical lessons in military training cannot be carried out remotely, for example, drill training, however, extraordinary situation requires extraordinary solutions.
In the process of training, electronic textbooks are being actively used, which have been developed by lecturers of the Military Department and available on the University website. They set forth not only theoretical material, but also provide test items, questionnaires and video files on the topics being studied. Lecturers of the Air Defense cycle have developed and applied a simulation program for the practical study of the ZSU-23-4 «Shilka» combat vehicle device.
In the Tactical and Fire Training classes on the intelligence service and motorized rifle cycle, there are applied video materials, created using animation. Students can interactively practice various training tasks interactively in freeze-frame viewing, as well as conduct online modeling of situations in battle.
When training of future education officers and military journalists, interactive discussions, round tables, online conferences and discussions are being held on the topics under study that allows evaluation of each student’s academic progress.