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Priority – Quality Education
Issues of updating educational programs based on professional standards have been discussed at an online meeting of the educational and methodological association of Al-Farabi KazNU’s REMC. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Centre, HEIs of Kazakhstan and NCE «Atameken». The meeting was moderated by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KazNU A.Khikmetov.
The participants of the meeting had a unique opportunity to listen and see how educational programs are developed in the country’s leading University, what difficulties arise in the process of updating its content based on professional standards.
Deputy Director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education B.M.Narbekova, who outlined the main trends of EMA activities in the new format, opened the meeting. Deputy Director of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center, G.S.Dzharasova reported on the algorithm for including updated educational programs in the national register.
The experience of Al-Farabi KazNU was presented at the online session. The Head of the methodological work service G.T.Zhakupova told about the competence model of the University graduate in the fields of training, crucial guidelines and approaches in the development of educational programs. Head of the Department of Mechanics Z.B.Rakisheva and Head of the Laboratory of Reliability and Safety of Orbital and Ground-based Space Systems of the Ionosphere Institute of the National Center for Space Research V.F.Grishchenko have presented the experience of joint development of educational programs «Mechanics» and «Space Engineering and Technology».
In addition, during the online meeting, the need to develop a professional standard for hydrology and meteorology and many other topical issues related to educational programs have been discussed.
During the meeting, the participants concluded that in the process of updating educational programs based on professional standards, relations between Universities and employers have achieved a qualitatively new level. Expert of the Human Development Department of NCE «Atameken» D. Zhumatayev, as well as professional standards developers, representatives of such organizations as: «Orken Media» LLP, «Complex of Agro-Industrial Associations», «HR Managers Association», «Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan «KAZLOGISTICS», and the Union of Food Enterprises of Kazakhstan have made comments on the new programs.