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On May 14, 2020, Al-Farabi Center at KazNU holds an International Online Conference «The Heritage of Al-Farabi», dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker of humanity.
The online event will be attended by well-known Farabi scholars from Kazakhstan, countries of the near and far abroad. They will discuss topical issues of studying the intellectual heritage of Al-Farabi in the context of the spiritual development of Kazakhstan’s society and the challenges of modern times. They will consider issues in such fields as: treatises of Al-Farabi, issues of translation of philosophical text and intercultural communication, interpretation of the works of the «Second teacher» by modern society and topical issues of modern Kazakhstan’s Farabi studies.
To participate in the Conference, you need to send the completed application form and the text of the report to the following email address by May 13, 2020: al-farabi@kaznu.kz.
Note: the Conference will be held on the ZOOM platform.
ID: 401 818 0037.
Conference focus areas/sections:
1. Treatises of al-Farabi: Problems of translation of philosophical texts and issues of intercultural communication.
2. From “al-Madina al-Fadila” to Smart City: a modern interpretation of a perfect society.
3. Actual issues of modern Kazakhstan farabi studies.
The terms of participation
To participate in the conference, you must send a completed application form and text of the report to al-farabi@kaznu.kz by May 10th, 2020
Notice: The conference will be held on ZOOM platform. ID: 401 818 0037
Requirements for the design of the text of the report
Requirements for the design of the report: the volume of 4-6 pages of typewritten text in electronic form. Font Times New Roman, size - 14; line spacing - 1; width alignment; paragraph indent - 1.
The title of the report is typed in the center of the page in bold uppercase. Under it, in the center of the page, the author's full name, first name and patronymic are indicated. The abstract and keywords of the report are drawn up in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The abstract should not exceed 600 characters without spaces.
Abstracts and materials of the conference will be published on the website www.al-farabi.kaznu.kz
Participant Registration Form
Full name |
Academic degree |
Name of institution (full), position |
Phone number (WhatsApp) |
Topic |
Section |