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An international scientific and practical online conference «Education, Psychological and Pedagogical Science: Consistency, Continuity, Innovation», dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the famous public official Tolegen Tazhibaevich Tazhibayev, was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty.
Tolegen Tazhibayev was born in 1910. The first Kazakh scientist-psychologist and Doctor of pedagogical sciences, public and state figure, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, honored worker of Kazakhstan in 1944-1948 headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kazakh SSR. Then until 1953, he headed the Kirov State University (now Al-Farabi KazNU), worked as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR of the Minister of Culture, and from 1957 to 1961 he was in diplomatic service as an Adviser to the USSR Embassy in India.
Tolegen Tazhibaevich is an iconic personality in the history of Kazakhstan of the Soviet period. He made a special contribution to the development of the country's education system. His entire life was dedicated to serving his people and Homeland. Participants of the Conference shared their memories of the academician, told about his state and public activities, scientific works. Topical issues of pedagogy and psychology were discussed at the Conference.
«He did a lot for the formation and development of the country's first national University – Al-Farabi KazNU. He took great care of people, paid great attention to training of specialists, provided comprehensive support to young scientists, and he was a supporter and initiator of the opening of Kazakh Departments at the Faculties», - said Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of KazNU Tlekkabil Ramazanov.
During his short life, T.Tazhibayev rose from an Associate Professor of the University to the People’s Commissar for Education, worked as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic. He was an excellent teacher and a talented organizer. It was he, who began to train orientalists, psychologists, and philosophers at the University, and laid the foundation for the development of Kazakhstan's psychological science, opening the Department of Psychology and Logic at KazGU in 1947.
T. Tazhibayev was one of the first, as a representative of the intelligentsia of his time, to raise the question about the importance of the Kazakh language, quite reasonably claiming that its wide teaching should begin from kindergartens. His fundamental scientific works reflect the idea of systemic interconnection and continuity of traditional «folk» and modern pedagogy.