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Alumni Meeting in a New Format
This year the Alumni Day of the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi KazNU has been celebrated on a large scale, and in a meaningful and interesting way. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine, the holiday was held in online format. New technologies and great desire helped graduates of different generations to meet, remember the best student years, share their achievements and congratulate their alma mater.
It was the Faculty of International Relations, which once initiated the establishment of KazNU Alumni Association, and proposed the idea of celebrating this important and beautiful holiday – the Alumni Day.
This year, the Faculty of International Relations has prepared particularly carefully to the meeting of the Alumni Council since it was necessary to master the new form of its implementation. Thanks to well-coordinated preparatory activities, the online meetings has been held at a high organizational and technical level and gathered hundreds of graduates of different years and guests of honor.
The participants of the meetings have received a video congratulations from the Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Association of Graduates of KazNU Kairat Mami. In his welcoming speech, he thanked the University staff for their work, wished new successes and achievements of the world level. He also told about the launch of the new project «Mentorship – Opportunities for Everyone», which will be an important part of the Association, calling on graduates to join and contribute to its implementation. The proposal to develop the institute of mentoring has received a warm response among teachers and alumni. It has been already practicing at the Faculty, where alumni share their knowledge, professional and life experience with the younger generation. They are delighted to conduct master classes, deliver lectures, talk about their path towards success, offer internship possibilities on the basis of their own companies and organizations. This form of intergenerational cooperation such as mentoring will be developed further and the project will give a new impetus to this activity.
A video-congratulatory speech has been addressed by Rector of Al Farabi KazNU, Academician Galym Mutanov. Quoting the words of the Great Thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi: «Adamdar tek birlese, bir-birinе komektesu arkyly gana bakytqa zheta alady» (People can achieve happiness, only in unity and offering helping hands to each other), he congratulated everyone on the Alimni Day, and called everybody for unity and mutual assistance.
During the online meeting, a video on the University’s achievements has been also presented, the alumni and teachers were able to immerse themselves in memories of their student life, to share their views on recent events, learn the latest news about KazNU. In addition, the video congratulations on behalf of the graduates of the Faculty of International Relations has also been demonstrated, who were represented by such figures, as the First Deputy of Permanent Representative of the RK at the UN A.Isetov, State Inspector of the President’s Office of the RK M.Kayyrbek, Director of Department of Europe of the MFA RK N.Zhumakanov and many others.
At the online event of the Department of International Relations and World Economy, Advisor for Press and Communications Office of the Permanent Coordinator of the UN System in Kazakhstan E.Baynazarova, Head of the International Information Committee of the MFA RK N. Aitmakhanov and many other participants has expressed their warm wishes and congratulations. The Head of the Department E.Chukubaev has highlighted that meetings of graduates are important, and their support is of special importance for the Faculty and the University in general.
The moderator of the event at the Department of International Law, the Head of the Department Zh. Sairambaeva has noted in her welcoming speech that the Alumni Day develops close and friendly relations between the University and its students, expands business contacts of the Faculty and the Department, and most importantly, strengthens many thousands of alumni community of KazNU. She also has talked about the graduates, who by the command of their soul and their own initiative provide practical assistance to their alma mater and faculty. For instance, Duman Bazarbayev, businessperson, President of the investment holding company, has sponsored the opening of the legal clinic at the Faculty of International Relations as well as constantly shares his professional experience.
The meeting of the Alumni Council of the Faculty of International Relations, chaired by the Dean, Professor S.Aidarbayev, has concluded the online holiday. The alumni have expressed their warmest words of gratitude to the Professors and wishes for further prosperity to their alma mater. Each of them has its own way of life, but every year they find time to meet again with their teachers and fellow students. The warm atmosphere has brought all participants more positive energy, since the student years for each of us are the most unforgettable period that is full of bright and warm memories.