
KazNU’s Rector Gives Interview to Turkish Journal


A well-known Turkish journal «Yerli düşünce» has published an interview with Galym Mutanov, Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU. The material contains detailed information about the history and achievements of Kazakhstani leading higher education institution, which is successfully advancing in world rankings.

The speaker talks about the transformation of KazNU into a world-class research University, its scientific and innovative potential and digitalization, as well as highlights issues of international cooperation, including with the HEIs in Turkey. Rector of KazNU has paid special attention to the personality and creative heritage of the great thinker of humanity Al-Farabi, whose 1150th anniversary is being celebrated this year under the auspices of UNESCO on an international scale.

The «Yerli düşünce» journal has been published since 2014 with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey.

Yerli düşünce.pdf