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No Quarantine on Good Deeds
This year has changed a lot in our perception of the world. Quarantine has made adjustments in all areas of life. We work, study, rest, and go in for sports differently. Nevertheless, there are constant values, which no pandemic can change.
First time in the first class! All children are waiting for September 1 – the date that marks the boundary between childhood and school life. The main attribute of the first autumn day is a new briefcase. Four years ago, Al-Farabi KazNU’s «Parasat» Trade Union workers with the support of University administration decided to present children, who are going to the first grade, briefcases and school supplies. Parents – employees of the University – have welcomed this idea with enthusiasm. Thus, it has become a tradition to provide portfolios. This year, the professional committee has decided that the tradition should be continued. After all, for parents, September 1 is not only a joyful excitement, but also a lot of troubles and financial costs. Preparing a child for school has a noticeable impact on the family budget. Portfolios from the Trade Union Committee are good social assistance for parents. This year, 230 first graders will go to school with a «Union’s» backpack. Of course, the Trade Union activist could not help but remember the past years, when for future students and their parents, the management provided a meeting room of the rectorate and the presentation was fun and spectacular. Under quarantine conditions, briefcases were given to the professional organizations so that, taking into account all precautions, they could give them to the parents of tomorrow's schoolchildren. That is why in 2020 there will be no traditional common photos of the event: with mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. Today we see children only in photos and videos that are sent to us by grateful parents. Here is Marzhan, daughter of a teacher of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Yermaganbetova S.T., who is gladly examining the contents of her portfolio: notebooks, pencils, pencil case, watercolor paints, colored paper and an album for drawing.
The social significance of the «Parasat» Trade Union project has been emphasized by Bakhtiyar Orazovich Kurmanaliev, the Head of the Legal Work Department, himself, the first-grader’s father. «It is wonderful that at this difficult time «Parasat» Trade Union takes care each of its members», - said Bakhtiyar Orazovich.
Perenova Kulyash, specialist of the Faculty of Journalism also thanked the Trade Union and the leadership of KazNU for caring for children. «My daughter has really liked the backpack and its contents. She said that she would study only for «excellent» marks. There are also Trade Union activists among parents of future first-graders. This year, the daughter of T.N.Mukazhanova, a member of the Trade Union Committee of the Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology, and the son of M.Kozhabergenova, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health, are going to school. Mothers are sincerely thankful to the Trade Union Committee and the University administration.
The Chairman of the Trade Union «Parasat» of Al-Farabi KazNU T.K.Mekebayev highlighted that the initiative of the Trade Union, «Collect a portfolio for the first grader», has already become part of the corporate culture of the University. It will help our employees not only to prepare their children for school, but also to give them the feeling that even in such difficult times, we all, regardless of our position, are members of the same team. We pay special attention to families with many children. The «Parasat» Union of employees of Al-Farabi KazNU on the initiative of the rector, academician G.M.Mutanov and with the support of the administration of the University conducts this action for the fourth time, clearly demonstrating the social partnership in action. We believe that in the next academic year we will be able to give a portfolio to each first-grader in person.