
Kazakhstan’s Wind Resources


In the framework of international cooperation between the three Universities, an online meeting was held at the site of ZOOM of doctoral students of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of Al-Farabi KazNU with representatives of Beuth University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (Germany) and Karaganda Technical University.

Ideological inspirers and organizers of the event included B.E. Reznik, professor of Beuth University of Applied Sciences, and Kh.M. Kasyymkanova, professor of the Cartography and Geoinformatics Department of KazNU.

Great interest of the meeting participants was aroused by the report of the graduate of Beuth University of Applied Sciences Katerina Gottvild on «The potential of wind energy in Kazakhstan based on GIS-Analysis». The report presented the current results of the study of wind resources in Kazakhstan since 2005. They are based on the analysis of data from wind farms located in Kazakhstan and the border areas, neighboring states, as well as publicly available meteorological data.

It was decided that the results of the report will be the basis for further research of doctoral candidates for the development of wind energy in Kazakhstan, which will also help to develop interdisciplinary relationships in the fields of Meteorology and Geoinformatics. The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD will support further development of cooperation in this area.