
Unity and Diversity of the Turkic-Mongolian World


Teachers and scientists of Al-Farabi KazNU took part in an expert session on the ethnopolitical processes of the Turkic-Mongolian world, which was held at Altai State University.

As part of the project «The Turkic-Mongolian World of the Greater Altai: Unity and Diversity in History and Modernity», the Altai State University held an expert and analytical session «A Comprehensive Analysis of the Political and Legal Systems and Ethno-Political Processes in the Turkic-Mongolian World of the Greater Altai in Historical Retrospective and at the Present Stage».

Leading specialists attended the session, including legal scholars, legal historians and Turkologists representing major scientific and educational centers.

The participants of the expert session shared their experience in the study of Turkic and Mongolian peoples and made valuable proposals for joint scientific and educational projects in the framework of the «Greater Altai».

Gulnara Useinova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of Al-Farabi KazNU, considered the role of the Barymta Institute in the traditional society of Kazakhs.

Zaura Ayupova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU), conducted an analysis of «Zheti Zhargy» as the Code of Laws of Nomadic Civilization.

Commenting on the results of the expert session, the moderator of the session, V.Rusanov, pointed out: «The session confirmed the interest of colleagues involved in the study of law and history of Turkic-Mongolian peoples in joint educational and scientific projects».