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I International Scientific and Environmental Forum
The first international scientific and environmental forum «Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources» was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the online mode, where ways to solve the main problems of environmental protection were discussed, scientific and practical recommendations for ensuring Sustainable Development were presented.
The forum was organized by al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Research Institute of environmental problems, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, ALE "Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan", NJSC "International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects".
The large-scale event was attended by scientists, representatives of public organizations, government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and countries of the near and far abroad.
A plenary session with presentations on current topics were made by: Chairman of the Board of oyul "Association of ecological organizations of Kazakhstan" A. S. Solovyeva, Chairman of the Board NJSC "International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects" J. A. Casanova, Dean of the faculty of natural Sciences, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, N. L. Supekova, the representative of the Ministry of ecology, Geology and natural resources of Kazakhstan A. Shirinov and others.
Foreign Speakers also actively participated in the international collaboration. Including, Professor Almo Farina (Department of pure and applied Sciences, University of Urbino, Urbino, Italy) presented a report on "Rural reserves: new strategies for preserving human health and sustainable biodiversity". Great interest was aroused by the speech of Professor Jose Carlos of Quadrado, President of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal) on the theme of "Individual creative participation in achieving sustainable development".
The breakout sessions covered a wide range of areas, such as: "International cooperation in achieving the sustainable development goals"; "Sustainable nature management and environmental management"; "conservation of biodiversity and environmental factors of human health"; "Environmental innovations and green technologies", etc.
Representatives of the younger generation of researchers also showed themselves. Presentations on current topics of the forum were undergraduates 2 courses of the UNESCO chair on sustainable development Abdykadyrov and A. V. Muravievа.
At the end of the International scientific and environmental forum, the results of scientific research were discussed, which the participants presented as part of their reports.