
The contribution of Abu Nasr al-Farabi to the development of human civilization


Embassy of Kazakhstan in Saudi Arabia together with the Center for Islamic Studies named after King Faisal, with the support of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an international conference on the topic "The contribution of Abu Nasr al-Farabi to the development of human civilization." The conference was organized and held within the framework of large-scale anniversary scientific and practical events planned in honor of the great philosopher of civilizations Abu Nasr al-Farabi.

In his welcoming speech, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Saudi Arabia Berik Aryn recalled the words of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev that the legacy of al-Farabi is of particular importance in shaping the values of modern youth.

Speakers at this event were the Rector of the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi G. Mutanov, Chairman of the Center for Islamic Studies named after King Faisal (CII) Prince of Turki al-Faisal Al Saud, OIC Deputy Secretary General for Science and Technology A. Musinov, Iraqi writer Dr. Rashid al-Hayoun, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor A. Derbisali, and also Saudi philosophers and scientists.

Prince of Turki al-Faisal noted that al-Farabi can rightfully be called the founder of Islamic philosophy and a wise teacher who gave a positive impetus to the all-round development of world science.

OIC Deputy Secretary General A. Musinov said that at the initiative of the Kazakhstani side at the 47th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, a special resolution was adopted to celebrate the 1150th anniversary of al-Farabi.

Representatives of the Saudi intelligentsia highly appreciated the importance of the international conference and expressed a sincere desire to create scientific collaborations with their Kazakh colleagues. For example, the head of the department of rare books of the King Faisal Center, Dr. Omar Tamalat, said that the Center's fund contains several manuscripts and about 90 copies of al-Farabi's works, which they are ready to provide to Kazakhstani scientists for their scientific research.