December 9, 2020 from 14.00-15.50 on the basis of the Cheir of International Relations and World Economy of Faculty of International relations Al-Farabi KazNU, through the Zoom platform, a lecture was held by Professor ESSEC Business School Asia Pacific in Singapore, Executive Director of MBA programs in the Asia-Pacific region, Professor of the week of "The Financial Times" Cedomir Nestorovic. Lecture topic: "Impact of US elections on business in Asia with a focus on US-China trade relationship".
More than 50 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students took part in the lecture. In the first part, the Lecturer touched upon key issues related to the US elections in 2020: the contradictions between Democrats and Republicans, problems of the US electoral system, falsification, and the importance of elections in America for world politics.
In the second part, the Lecturer touched upon the problems of the trade war between the United States and China, the role of international trade organizations and described the problems and consequences of the trade war for the world community. Students of Al-Farabi KazNU took an active part in the discussion, asked questions to the Lecturer, and showed a high level of training and knowledge.