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Outstanding Farabi scholars of our time
This year, the 1150th anniversary of the marvellous philosopher Abu Nasr al-Farabi is celebrated around the world. Outstanding Farabi scholars of the post-Soviet space made a huge contribution to the formation of the Patriotic Farabi study. From December 9 to December 12, 2020, the Al-Farabi Center holds a series of webinars dedicated to their activities.
The purpose of this series of webinars is to analyze the creativity and life of such outstanding Farabi scholars as Doctor of Philosophy, former professor of the National University of Uzbekistan Muzaffar Mukhitdinovich Khayrullaev, Doctor of Pedagogy, former professor of KazNU, author of more than 300 scientific, popular science publications, including collections of articles dedicated to the scientific and pedagogical heritage of al-Farabi Audanbek Kobesov, Sagadeev Artur Vladimirovich, who is the author of the collection “Eastern Peripatetism. From the history of medieval materialism", the famous writer, publicist, public figure and author of the novel " The Return of the Teacher " Alimzhanov Anuar Turlybekovich, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR (1950), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968) Gafurov Bobodzhan Gafurovich, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, former director of the Al-Farabi Center at KazNU named after al-Farabi Kasimzhanov Agyn Khairullovich, as well as Farabi scholars, who to this day continue to contribute to the study and popularization of the ideas of the heritage of al-Farabi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, author of the monograph "Al-Farabi the Great Thinker of the East" (2018), "Al-Farabi philosophy of the Second Master" ( 2019) and numerous textbooks and teaching aids by Altayev Zhakypbek Altayevich and Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Arabic and Iranian Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, the famous translator of the works of al-Farabi Tadzhikova Klara Khaimovna.
Prominent researchers of al-Farabi's heritage were invited as speakers. Open the series of online webinars Doctor of philosophical sciences, head of chair "Philosophy and bases of spirituality" of the Faculty of social Sciences, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Nyinahin Shermuhamedova and candidate of historical sciences, Professor of KazNU Mukanova Gyulnar Kayrollinovna. Also invited to this online webinar are other Farabi scholars, such as Soviet and Russian philosopher and Islamic scholar, specialist in classical Arab-Muslim philosophy, doctor of philosophy, Professor Taufik Ibrahim, writer, doctor of Philology, Professor Kaken Kamzin, candidate of political science at the Institute of philosophy of political science in Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Doronshoeva Nekbakht Shokosumovna, doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, former Director of the Center al-Farabi Altayev Zhakipbek Altayevich, candidate of philosophical Sciences, head of Department of philosophy, faculty of philosophy and political science KazNU Kuranbek Aset Abayevich and doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of religious studies and culturology of faculty of philosophy and political science KazNU Kurmanalieva Aynur Derbenyovna.
Their speeches will be aimed at analyzing the work of their mentors, will cover a wide range of studies by all recognized Farabi scholars and reveal the main ideas.