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The annual winter school of curators-advisers of Al-Farabi KazNU has managed to become a good tradition, which originated 11 years ago. This year, the school was held online and brought together curators-advisors from all departments of 16 faculties of the university.
As noted by the organizers - the department for educational work of KazNU - they tried to preserve the training approach, as it contributes not only to strengthening the intellectual cooperation of teachers, but also to the consolidation of the social capital of the university.
The speakers of the seminars, speaking at different sections, devoted their presentations to the actual psychological aspects of the relationship and communication between students and teachers. So, within the framework of the winter school, curator-advisers, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Z.M. Sadvakasova held a practice-oriented webinar on the topic "Psychology of personality stability in the work of a curator with students", which revealed the mechanisms of human psychological stability, influence and management of thinking, emotional background.
The curators got acquainted with the “Human body” methodology. Psychologists explained how to identify special students from the "risk group" and observe the emotional background of the student group. The psychological state of a person at all levels and the consequences of the inability to “manage their emotional background” were also considered. Using the example of the exercise "List of psychotraumas", each curator from his own experience analyzed the relationship between the situation and emotions. Emphasis was placed on the timely identification of negative factors and the mandatory provision of psychological support to such students. The participants also listened to and discussed the topic "Development of motivation and will of students: technologies of self-development in the conditions of distance learning", the trainer of the seminar was A. K. Mynbaeva.
During the trainings, the main role was assigned to the mechanism of team cooperation between different specialists and departments. Curators and specialists invite and organize not only curatorial hours, but also meetings, master classes in order to eliminate gaps or contradictions, and most importantly, to enrich the cognitive baggage of students, bringing up psychologically prepared and stable personalities.