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COMSTECH-SAC unites forces for the development of science and technology
The first meeting of the International Advisory Council (COMSTECH-SAC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) took place. It was attended by the rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, academician Galym Mutanov – the winner of the prize of Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture, who became the only representative of the academic community of the post-Soviet space.
COMSTECH-SAC is a new institutional mechanism that aims to become a platform for the exchange of experience, capacity building, development of advanced approaches and applied recommendations in the field of science, technology and innovation development in the Islamic world. The Scientific Advisory Council is designed to help solve the problems the OIC member states facing today in the development of STI. It consists of outstanding scientists and practitioners of world renown.
The meeting was attended by the Coordinator General of COMSTECH, Former Director General of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Science and Technology of Pakistan and other honorary members of COMSTECH-SAC from 12 Islamic states.
Coordinator General of COMSTECH Iqbal Chaudhary focused in his speech on the role, programs and initiatives of the organization, plans to promote the scientific and technological component in the OIC countries, and also spoke about his vision of the international advisory council activities. On the first meeting, the problems of the development of science and technology in the OIC member countries were discussed, as well as the mechanisms of scientific consultation and exchange of best practices in accordance with the Astana Declaration.
The OIC Summit “Science, Technology, Innovation and Modernization of the Islamic World” was convened on the initiative of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev in Kazakhstan in 2017. The Astana Declaration expresses the desire of the OIC member states to expand the cooperation jointly for sustainable development and to meet modern challenges, defined priorities and common tasks in the development of science, technology and innovation in the member countries of the organization.