



At the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​KazNU named after Al-Farabi hosted an online meeting of 2nd year students with the actor of the Kazakh Academic Theater for Children and Youth named after Gabit Musrepov Aset Imangali.

A meaningful meeting, organized by the 2nd year students of Kazakh philology on the Zoom platform, was devoted to the theme "Language is our heart and support" ("Til-tiregimiz, kokiregimiz zhuregimiz"). The meeting was attended by the actor of the Kazakh Academic Theater for Children and Youth named after Gabit Musrepov, laureate of the "Daryn" prize, teacher of the Academy of Arts named after. T. Zhurgenova Aset Imangali.

At the Academy of Arts. T. Zhurgenova, the actor teaches the subject "stage speech", he has accumulated a large store of knowledge on the subject, he is fluent in the Kazakh language and the skills of its use both on stage and in other spheres of life.

During the meeting, he generously shared with future specialists - philologists his thoughts on the norms of the correct use of the word, melodic speech, read poetry and answered all the questions of curious students.

Interested listeners actively participated in the conversation, read poems about the language and shared their thoughts. The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere, giving the participants vivid impressions and motivation to improve their knowledge. In conclusion, the guest thanked the students for the warm welcome, said words of parting words and wished them good luck.