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Assessment of learning outcomes
Today, the 51st International Scientific and Methodological Conference on the topic "Assessment of the expected learning outcomes in educational programs and academic disciplines in the context of a competence-based approach" has completed in the "al-Farabi Kazakh National University ". The conference was held online simultaneously in 13 rooms on the ZOOM platform from March 17 to 19.
In room 1, there was a discussion of the learning outcomes of educational programs in the 6B04 - Business, Management and Law group of specialties, which included the Higher School of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of International Relations of the Faculty of International Relations.
17 reports were presented at the section within 2 days. Many reports were the result of a group joint author's work on the development of documents of the Competence Model of a graduate in the above specialties. So Smagulova G.S., Ph.D., Acting Professor of the Management Department, together with other authors of related departments of the Higher School of Economics, presented the report “Assessment of opportunities for achieving learning outcomes in the preparation of the curriculum”. Sokira T.S., Ph.D., Acting Professor and Dzhulaeva A.M., Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor “Management" Department expressed their proposals in the report "Creation of assessment methods of the bank and department tools by levels of training and assessment."
The report by Zh. O. Tumbai, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Management Department, which prepared together with our guest A.A. Demin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Open and Distance Education, South Ural State University, (Chelyabinsk, Russia) on the topic "Features of the organization of monitoring students' knowledge when teaching with the use of distance learning technologies." caused discussion.
Other reports of guests of Management Department from Russia were also in the center of interest. Irshin A.A. and Vinogradov KM, Ph.D., Associate Professors of South Ural State University, in the speech "Advanced Assessment" as a modern tool for checking the formation of competence or its part" enriched everyone with the summarized experience. On the other hand, Prokhorov A.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, head of Modern Educational Technologies Department, Institute of Open and Distance Education, South Ural State University showed the possibilities of using the Point-rating system of assessment.
Representatives of our "Management" Department worked at the section for 2 days, participated both as speakers and speakers in discussions, discussions, performing training methodological and practical tasks, preparing the section's resolution.
At the section, the participants created matrices for assessing learning outcomes in the educational program, practices and discipline. We believe that the main task of the conference – “Developing the foundations of the methodology of theory and practice of formulating, achieving and evaluating learning outcomes in the implementation of the educational program” achieved.
The conference was interesting and productive as never before. Lots of proposals have been received, which are now being processed by one of the moderators of the section Zh.T. Kozhamkulova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Chairman of the methodological council of the Higher School of Economics and Business, organizer of the work of this section.
We are grateful to the leaders and organizers of the Kazakh National University’s methodical work and distance learning service for the organization and excellent technical service. We hope that, lots of work with them are waiting for us in the nearly future.