
Double diploma - brilliant prospects!


Today KazNU named after al-Farabi successfully and fruitfully cooperates with many foreign countries. Since 2009, KazNU has been implementing educational master's programs with the issuance of double diplomas in a number of relevant and demanded master's specialties.

One of the foreign universities, with which KazNU named after al-Farabi cooperates, is the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. It is one of the leading universities in Russia, located in Yekaterinburg. About 35,000 students study here. The educational process is provided by more than 4,500 teachers, among them more than 650 doctors of sciences and about 2,100 candidates of sciences, more than 30 members of state academies. Education is carried out in 64 areas of bachelor's degree, 26 - magistracy, 126 - postgraduate specialties and 42 doctoral specialties.

The program for undergraduates of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science is related to preventive medicine - the prevention of addictions among young people. It will allow solving the problems of specialized training of personnel, who are proficient in technologies for creating a health-preserving environment at a high level. Students who successfully complete their studies under the new international program will receive two state diplomas at once: a diploma from the Ural Federal University on conferring a master's qualification in the direction of training "Organization of work with youth" and a diploma from KazNU - master in the specialties "Social work" or "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge" with specialization "Preventology in the youth environment".

Education takes place in a unique environment of international individual communication of students, teachers, researchers of the two universities, representing a community of like-minded people who share common academic values, and above all, the free expression of ideas and opinions, an academic culture inherent in the best university traditions.

In particular, students have before their eyes an example of the research activities of their teachers and all the possibilities of joint communication and participation in it: during scientific seminars and the work of thematic groups, when writing theses.

There is no need to defend two dissertations - the programs are harmonized and students defend only one dissertation.

The double degree program also provides for the participation of graduates in international scientific conferences held on the basis of URFU and KazNU. Thus, the International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Potential of Youth" is organized annually at Ural Federal University, and the conference of young scientists "Al-Farabi Alemi" is organized at KazNU.

The main advantages of the double degree program:

· Acquired international experience in training and communication;

· Intensive language training;

· Immersion in a new cultural and educational environment;

· Two diplomas for the same period of study;

· Competitiveness in the labor market for employment, both in the country and abroad;

· Advantages in admission to foreign universities for the next level of study.

The double degree program has established itself as an effective system that provides comprehensive quality education. The Dual Degree program is a unique opportunity for students to obtain two accredited master's degrees in two years.