


At the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, during the online meeting of the Academic Council, dedicated to the Day of Science, university teachers were awarded letters of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medals of the educational institution and diplomas of the rector.

For almost 90 years KazNU named after al-Farabi has been the leader of higher education and science in Kazakhstan, the forge of highly qualified personnel and the cradle of many scientific discoveries. In the modern world, the role of the university in society is determined not only by the level of education, but also by scientific and innovative achievements. Research universities, the "triple helix" model - government, business and universities - have become the backbone of countries with a knowledge-intensive, innovative economy. In many highly developed, advanced countries of the world, university success indicators are determined by commercialized technologies introduced into production, on the basis of which the national innovative economy develops. Thus, the state receives a profit from investment in research, which is carried out on the basis of universities. Scientific results contribute to the development of society and improve the quality of human life. Al-Farabi KazNU also took a course to transform the university into a world-class research university with the subsequent formation on its basis of growth points of a knowledge-based economy. We have all the necessary prerequisites for this.

During the online conference, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zh.K. Tuimebayev, congratulating the teachers-scientists on the Day of Science, dwelled on the achievements of the university in recent years and the priority directions of its development.

“In recent years, science has become one of the priority directions of the state policy of Kazakhstan. The first president of the country, Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev set the task of creating a knowledge-based economy in accordance with the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". This policy is continued by the incumbent Head of State Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev. In his Address, the President noted the need to form science and education as separate sectors of the economy. This shows the importance of the two industries for the development of the entire country. The relevance and significance of research and innovation activities is determined by the number of ongoing scientific and scientific and technical projects and the amount of their funding. In 2020, university scientists in all priority areas of science development completed more than 400 research projects totaling 6 billion tenge, which is 22% more than in 2019, ”the rector of the university noted.

In terms of the number of scientific publications in the rating editions of the world, KazNU is the leader among universities and research institutes in Kazakhstan, the first university annually publishing more than 1000 articles in Scopus journals. In general, every fifth publication of Kazakhstani authors in rating publications is the work of KazNU scientists. As practice shows, the most effective incentive to increase publication activity is rewarding articles in high-ranking journals included in the Scopus database. For example, last year the total amount of the premium was about 175 million tenge.

High rates of publication activity of KazNU were marked with a number of awards. In 2020, the university received three nominations for the Leader of Science award - the authoritative Web of Science database, which confirmed the leading positions in the rating publications among Kazakhstani universities and research institutes. Also in 2020, the KazNU International Journal of Mathematics and Physics entered the Web of Science database and became the fourth scientific publication of the university indexed in this database. The number of patents is growing every year. Last year alone, KazNU scientists received more than 400 titles of protection. As part of the projects being implemented, scientists have created innovative enterprises and spin-off companies, launched small-scale production of high-tech products, work is underway to create a technological line for the production of carbon nanomaterials, energy-saving gas-discharge lamps, medicines based on natural plant materials.

“Dear colleagues, you are the basis of the intellectual potential of KazNU and Kazakhstan. The goal of the university administration and me personally is to create favorable conditions for the disclosure of your creative, scientific potential in full. From your side, we expect high results and scientific achievements, both in the field of economic and technological development, and for the benefit of society and its spiritual component, ”said the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev in his welcoming speech.

The university has a whole system of support for young scientists. One of the latest innovations is the postdoctoral institute. Today, postdoctoral studies are developing topical areas of research for 35 young scientists, new scientific schools are being created. Through postdoctoral studies, the best personnel from the leading universities of Kazakhstan and the world are attracted, thereby solving the problem of the “outflow of students”. Our unique experience in this area is an example for other universities in Kazakhstan. Also, last year, such mechanisms were successfully implemented to support young scientists as attracting students to carry out research work on a paid basis within the framework of grant financing projects in the amount of more than 270 million tenge. The policy of supporting young scientists in the educational institution is bearing fruit. Representatives of a new generation of researchers of the physical and technical cluster became laureates of the D.A.Kunaev State Prize for young scientists for the best work in the field of natural sciences in 2020.

Professor Zulkair Mansurov, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies Baydaulet Uramashev, Professor Nurzhamal Aldabek made congratulations at the Academic Council.

On the eve of Science Day, Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zh.K. Tuimebayev published a letter of gratitude from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich Tokayev for his contribution to the organization and holding of events dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great poet Abai Kunanbayev and the genius of the steppe, the second teacher of the world, Abu Nasr al-Farabi. The President's commendation was received by professors and university staff: Mehmet Arslan, Sholpan Dzhamanbalaeva, Zhakypbek Altayev, Zhangara Dadebaev, Aizhan Smaylova, Bekzhan Meirbayev, Kalima Tuenbaeva, Akmaral Syrgakbaeva, Yktiyar Paltore, Aliya Masalimova, Dauren Kurmanov

For a significant contribution to the science of Kazakhstan, by order of the rector of the university, the medal "Eren enbegi ushin" was awarded: Professor of the Department of Theory and Nuclear Physics Vladimir Zhunushaliev, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and European Languages ​​Zhanar Ibraeva, Professor of the Department of Mechanics Mukhtar Menglibayev, Director of the Al-Farabi Center Bekzhan Meirbaev , Professor of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature Lyudmila Ekshembaeva. Also, the silver medal "Al-Farabi" was awarded to Professor of the Department of Chinese Language Nurzhamal Aldabek, Professor of the Department of Biophysics and Biomedicine Sultan Tuleukhanov, Professor of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Museology Viktor Seibert.

Also, for the great contribution to the development of science in Kazakhstan, the rector's diplomas were received by the following teachers and university staff: Ph.D. Professor Aigul Akhmetova, PhD Kadyrzhan Smagulov, PhD Idris Alibek, PhD Aknur Zhidebekkyzy, Ph.D. D., associate professor Erbol Alimkulov, D.Sc. n. Professor Galiya Ibrayeva, D.I. Sci., Professor Abdesh Toleubaev, Doctor PhD Almas Temirbekov, Ph.D. D., associate professor Kasym Duskaev, Ph.D. Nazym Dabyltaeva.