


At the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, within the framework of the Smart Generation project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Day of Science Workers, an online meeting of young scientists with the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev was held. More than 200 young scientists took part in the event.

Welcoming all the participants, the rector called on young scientists for an open dialogue, exchange of views and expressed his readiness to listen to specific proposals and ideas for the further development of scientific and innovative activities of the university. In his speech, the rector of KazNU Zh. Tuimebayev drew the attention of scientists to the fact that in the modern world the most valuable asset of any country is intellectual, human capital. For all the years of Kazakhstan's Independence, the First President of the country - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev - and the current Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev pay special attention to the development of science and support of young scientists. And the goal of each state is to create all conditions for the development of creative and scientific endeavors of the young generation.

Today, more than 300 young scientists under the age of 40 work at KazNU named after al-Farabi. Many of them have been trained and trained in leading universities and centers of the world and have received high recognition both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

“Dear young scientists, you are the successors of the glorious traditions of scientific schools of KazNU, I am sure there are those among you who will be recognized as founders of new scientific directions and schools in the future. You are actively involved in the implementation of research programs and projects as leaders. Publish the results of your research in the world's leading journals, build international cooperation with leading research centers and universities. In the current 2021 alone, within the framework of grant funding, young scientists are carrying out about 60 projects worth more than 900 million tenge. This testifies to the high scientific and innovative potential of our youth, ”rector Zh. Tuimebayev emphasized in his speech.

It was noted that the university has created a whole system of support for young scientists. One of the most effective incentives to attract young people to scientific research is the awarding of articles in top-rated journals included in the Scopus database. For example, last year the total amount of bonuses amounted to about 175 million tenge.

For the development of topical areas of research, the formation of new scientific schools, the postdoctoral institute has been introduced at KazNU, which attracts the best personnel from the leading universities of Kazakhstan and the world.

During the dialogue, the rector of the university, Zhanseit Tuimebayev, emphasized that the work to support talented students and young scientists on his part and the leadership of the university will be continued and strengthened. One of the first to speak was the dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of KazNU, Professor Dauren Zhakebaev, proposing to increase the power of the university's supercomputer, with the help of which many projects were developed. One of them was completed thanks to the functioning of the Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling laboratory and the Computational Sciences laboratory, commissioned by GazTransOil. Young scientists performed mathematical modeling of the process of transporting clean water through pipelines in western Kazakhstan, established the influence of external conditions on water quality, and also proposed optimal conditions for maintaining the quality of drinking water during transportation in an operating water supply system. Also, the oil spill process was simulated as a result of an accident on a tanker, a map of the oil slick movement was compiled taking into account the wind speed and direction and temperature conditions for KazMunayGas.

“All these projects were carried out thanks to the use of a supercomputer available today at our university, the power of which at the moment leaves little to be desired. If the university has a high-power supercomputer, it will become possible to solve more high-tech and large-scale problems of mathematics, physics, mechanics, chemistry, biomedicine, sociology, to obtain new materials and intellectual products, ”said Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics D. Zhakebaev.

Azhar Serikkalieva, PhD doctoral student of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, also spoke and voiced her proposal on the projects of the Chinese initiative "One Belt, One Road", which are being implemented in Kazakhstan and Central Asia and "The Political Economy of China's involvements in Kazakhstan: state interests, social conflicts, and economic cooperation ”(Hong Kong), where she works as a local local researcher. “Foreign studies are distinguished by their special methodology, high level of digitalization, they use an interdisciplinary approach, which affects the socio-economic and political processes and significantly increases the level of the project,” A. Serikkalieva said. In this regard, the young scientist suggested strengthening collaboration with analytical structures of foreign universities and carrying out image work both in Kazakhstan and abroad. Open the position of a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, prepare applications for research grants together with foreign partners, as well as conduct courses on the methodology of social and humanitarian research and invite partners to KazNU to intensify contacts in order to consider broader opportunities for cooperation.

The Rector of KazNU supported the proposals of scientists and noted that geopolitics is an extremely important area, since Kazakhstan borders on Russia and China. It is necessary to develop science in different directions and actively work on the creation of high-quality and necessary projects that will be useful for the country. “As you see, the university administration is open to your suggestions, effective mechanisms for further improving the system of support for young scientists. This is our second meeting with you, and such events will become traditional in order to develop specific measures for the development of the scientific and innovative sphere at the university and achieve high results, ”said the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

During the event, many proposals were received from young scientists, a heated discussion took place, and the participants of the meeting were invited to send their proposals and letters to e-mail for further consideration.

At the end of the meeting, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi", competitions for innovative projects of student business incubators and "The best young scientist".