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On the agenda of the next administration of KazNU named after al-Farabi, the issues of organizing the summer examination session, tuition fees and the results of work on combating corruption at the university were discussed.
According to the member of the Board for Academic Affairs - Vice-Rector Fatima Zhakypova, the summer session will last from May 10 to June 5. During this period, 6866 exams will be held. The vast majority of exams (over 2200) will be held in a test form. Test exams will be held on the university platforms - Oqykuq, Moodle, Univer. Along with this, oral (1372) and written (1082) examinations will take place.
Today, about 400 examinations are held at the faculties per day. According to F. Zhakypova, this year's summer session has been organized at a good level, but nevertheless, there are certain issues that should be paid attention to. The number of students who have arrears in disciplines was announced. According to the results of the intermediate certification of students, out of 25087 students, 1898 people were not admitted to the session.
In general, for the successful holding of the summer session, all the necessary work was done, including to eliminate weaknesses and potential risks during the exams. The implemented automated system of the Institute of Information Technology and Innovative Development makes it possible to objectively read those violations that were committed by the participants of the examination session. It eliminates the human factor, making it possible to quickly respond to such situations and make decisions within 48 hours. Previously, such procedures took more than two weeks. Students who violate the rules for passing the examination session will be notified in the correct form, and further actions will be explained to them to correct the situation.
Then the acting was made. Vice-Rector for Social Development Aliya Masalimova, speaking about the work on combating corruption at the university. According to the speaker, the university creates an environment that is intolerant of any unfair practices. A. Masalimova also announced the results of a sociological research survey among students of KazNU "University without corruption", which was conducted from January 29 to February 18. It should be noted that a scientific and educational cluster has been created on the basis of the university for the formation of anti-corruption consciousness and culture of youth, the core of which is the Research Institute of Anti-Corruption Technologies. Its goal is to develop new approaches and technologies aimed at eradicating unfair practices, creating an anti-corruption culture.
Also, Deputy Director of the Department of Economics and Finance E.T. Esimkulov. Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev drew the attention of members of the administration to the issue of feedback from students, which should be under the control of the heads of faculties. He also instructed to work out the issues of preparing students for the examination session and the appeal procedure, the main goal of which is to organize all events at a high quality level and get students an objective assessment of their knowledge.
The head of the university also stressed that it is necessary to pay due attention to preventive work to combat corruption at all faculties and structures of the university. The university should be a free territory from corruption, and this work should be strengthened before the start of the new academic year. Deans of the faculties were instructed to invite the best teachers and scientists of the world level in order to improve the quality of the scientific and educational process at the university. In conclusion, the rector of the university spoke about the ongoing renovation work at the faculties of the university: journalism, history, philology, law and the Higher School of Economics.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU