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KazNU scientists have developed unique biologically active supplements based on microalgae that strengthen the body, saturating it with useful vitamins and microelements, helping to cope with stress and resist various diseases.
Have you ever wondered what is the reason for the rapid growth of such serious diseases as obesity, coronary heart disease, allergies, cancer, diabetes? One of the main reasons is a violation of the dietary structure. The diet of a modern person does not provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Therefore, biologically active additives are a necessary daily micronutrient to maintain the health of all vital organs and systems.
The project, which the researchers of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biology of Al-Farabi KazNU are working on today, is associated with obtaining new biologically active additives and biostimulants based on biomass of industrially valuable strains of microalgae, which are natural, affordable, environmentally friendly preventive biological products, do not cause side reactions and have no contraindications for use.
The use of microalgae in animal husbandry as a source of protein, vitamins and other physiologically active substances increases the resistance of animals to various diseases, primarily those associated with vitamin deficiency, accelerates metabolic processes, and thus contributes to an increase in the volume and quality of products. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolatkhan Zayadan, together with Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Azhar Zhubanova and laureates of the State Prize, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yuri Alexandrovich Sinyavsky carried out the theoretical development and practical implementation of the drug "Spirulina Laif", registered with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Nutrition Academy. They received an innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the invention "Biologically active food additive" Spirulina Life ".
Also, professor B. Zayadan with his students developed a new technology for enriching bakery products with microalgae biomass "Bread enriched with spirulina" and received state. standard (ST53281-1910-GP-01-2013) and a patent for a useful model (No. 31116) "Method for the production of bakery products enriched with spirulina."
Proof of this is the brilliant results achieved by the staff of the Laboratory of Photobiotechnology to date, having developed a technology for creating unique biological products based on microalgae.
When asked why scientists use the biomass of microalgae to obtain new promising immunomodulators, the project leader, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolatkhan Kazykhanovich Zayadan answered as follows: “Microalgae contain up to 50-70% of easily digestible protein, up to 30% of lipids, more than 40% glycerin, up to 8-14% pigments, including carotene, and a fairly high concentration of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, K, D compared to other plants or animals. Microalgae are a good source of proteins, essential amino acids, phytosterols, carbohydrates, vitamins, they are characterized by a unique combination of biologically active compounds, polyunsaturated fatty acids with a high content of gamma-linolenic acid and many other compounds useful for health. Today they are widely used in the food industry (as biologically active additives) and in the agricultural sector, in particular in animal husbandry, poultry farming, and fisheries. "
According to academician B.K. A large number of sunny days and a favorable geographic location of Kazakhstan, as well as the relative ease of cultivation of microalgae to obtain its biomass, are declared, create the preconditions for the development of industries for obtaining biologically active additives and biostimulants.
The competitiveness of this project is determined by the above-mentioned unique properties of microalgae and the advantages of their cultivation technology. The proposed project is original and there are no analogues in the Republic. Microalgae biotechnology is well established in the USA, Japan, India, Russia, China, Czech Republic and other countries around the world. In Kazakhstan, there are no enterprises for the production of biological products based on microalgae and other phototrophic microorganisms. According to the developers, the project has great commercial potential. In addition, it should be noted about the possibilities of creating new jobs at enterprises for the production of biological products, biological feeds and food supplements.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU