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For the first time in the CIS, KazNU named after Al-Farabi hosts the XXVII International Symposium of Morphological Sciences ISMS 2021 "Cell, tissue, organs - experience, innovation and progress." On May 27, a solemn opening ceremony of a large-scale event was held, the organizers of which were: the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare, the Higher School of Medicine of Al-Farabi KazNU and the "Eurasian Organization of Morphologists".
The Congress was opened with the opening speech of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev, who read out the acting First Vice-Rector Kanatbek Mukanov. It was noted that KazNU was one of the first to open the faculty of medicine and health care and supported completely new forms of organization of the educational process.
KazNU is the largest scientific and educational hub, a center for generating innovations and technology transfer, the main goal of which is to create a world-class research university, competitive in the global scientific and educational space. The university employs over 400 doctors of sciences, professors and over 800 PhD doctors, associate professors. The University has created conditions for participation in the congress of 2000 specialists of morphological science from 17 countries of the near and far abroad, which will contribute to a productive exchange of experience between foreign and Kazakhstani colleagues.
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare Zhanna Kalmataeva in her speech expressed her readiness for fruitful cooperation in the development and improvement of educational approaches and technologies in teaching morphological disciplines. “We understand and realize that we are all united by one goal - to improve and preserve the health of the population of our countries, and 2020, as never before, has shown that only by combining scientific, educational and practical efforts will we be able to effectively solve the set tasks and challenges time ".
ISMS-2021 is a platform for broadcasting the latest achievements of medical science, based on accurate morphological evidence of research.
A wide broadcast of world scientific achievements was carried out in 10 sections in various medical fields. Within the framework of the congress, morphologists from different countries and continents presented their experience, problems and solutions.
The four-day symposium will include a master class by the International Federation of Anatomical Associations "Seminar on Scientific Writing", a round table on donation of cadaveric material for educational purposes in medical universities, as well as a contest "Best Report of a Young Scientist".
At the end of the congress, a meeting of the committee of the International Symposium of Morphological Sciences will take place, where a decision will be made to hold the next congress ISMS 2023. At the closing ceremony, the flag and seal of the congress will be solemnly handed over to the president of the next congress.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU