


The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific and practical conference on the topic "Political, legal and economic issues of the formation of state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: history and modernity", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of our state.

The conference was organized by Al-Farabi KazNU, the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation, and the Public Fund for the Development of Parliamentarism in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the problems of the formation and development of state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The solemn part of the scientific-practical conference was opened by the Chairman of the Board-Rector of KazNU named after al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebayev. In his speech, the head of the university noted that 30 years ago a new independent state appeared on the world arena and today the Republic of Kazakhstan is a full participant and subject of world politics, a member of the United Nations. Under the leadership of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev - a modern, competitive state was created, the country reached great heights. The prosperity of our state is the result of the tremendous work done by Elbasy. All years of Kazakhstan's independence are associated with the name of the First President. We have become a sovereign state with a strong position, capable of making decisions on economic, social, political and security issues, including global and regional issues.

In February 2021, at a meeting of the state commission on preparations for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the country's independence, President K.K. Tokayev said: “When holding large-scale events covering the entire country, it is necessary to have a precise vision and clear approaches. It should be especially taken into account that all regions will work in close connection with the center and will be guided by you. The 30th anniversary of Independence is not just another date. We must approach this historic event from an ideological point of view. "

The first document that laid the foundation for the statehood of our country is the Declaration "On the State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR", adopted on October 25, 1990. In this program document, one of the main tasks was the revival and development of the language and national spirit of the Kazakh people. During the difficult period of gaining independence, prominent lawyers of Kazakhstan, academicians Salyk Zimanov, Sultan Sartaev, Gairat Sapargaliev raised the issue of forming a new independent legal consciousness. The speeches, statements, works of outstanding personalities of the Kazakh legal science have had and still have a great influence on the formation of the legal basis of independent Kazakhstan.

The Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami in his report emphasized that on the initiative of Elbasy, the main state document was adopted - the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which consolidated the political, economic, cultural and legal foundations of statehood. The Constitution has become an unshakable foundation for stability and prosperity of the state and society. In accordance with his requirements, effective democratic institutions were formed - a presidential form of government, a bicameral parliament, an accountable government, an independent judiciary and an active civil society. As a result, the country not only stands firmly on its feet, but is also taking steps to become one of the world's leading countries within the framework of specific strategic programs. Thanks to the serious initiatives of the First President of Kazakhstan, the country has become a recognized leader of the scientific movement for nuclear disarmament, gaining high international prestige. Independence is not only the sovereignty of the state, but also freedom, the will of the entire people. “Over the past thirty years, the Constitution of Kazakhstan has fully proved that it is a fundamental document promoting society, its unity and cohesion. Now the goal is to reveal once again its creative power. We must all work hard to preserve and prosper our homeland based on such values, ”K. Mami said in his report.

The work of the international scientific and practical conference was held in two sections, at which the following speakers spoke: Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Judicial System and Law Enforcement Agencies Vladimir Volkov, Deputy Executive Director of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation Igor Rogov, Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Public Service Affairs Anar Zhailganova, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies of the KN MES RK Serik Seidumanov, Rector of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunayeva, Doctor of Law, Professor Omirali Zhalairi, Dean of the Faculty of Law named after Al-Farabi Daulet Baydeldinov and other famous scientists, statesmen and public figures.

During the conference, the following were considered: issues of the political system of sovereign Kazakhstan, constitutional foundations for the formation of state independence of Kazakhstan, the role and place of civil society in the development of democratic principles of sovereign Kazakhstan, the economic basis of Kazakhstan's sovereignty. Also, scientists expressed their opinion on topical issues and focused the attention of the participants on the fact that the Constitution of Kazakhstan is a guarantee of the preservation of national values, spiritual revival and is aimed at protecting human values, its fundamental rights and freedoms.


Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU