


Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev met with the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Kazakhstan Ali Riza Akinci.

Opening the meeting, the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev noted that Turkey, the first to recognize the independence of our country, today is an important and reliable partner of Kazakhstan. “Cooperation and strong ties between the two states are based on centuries-old bonds of brotherhood and are a shining example of friendship and strategic partnership,” the rector said. It was noted that KazNU has established close relations with many Turkish universities, and the common history, cultural and spiritual ties between the countries has become an impetus for the rapid development of relations in all spheres. During the conversation, the head of the university spoke about the work of scientific institutes and centers of KazNU, innovative projects of scientists, and also invited famous Turkish scientists to the university to give lectures.

In turn, the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Kazakhstan Ali Riza Akinci expressed interest in closer cooperation with the leading university in Central Asia and proposed to organize joint projects to translate the works of Al-Farabi, Abay, Khoja Ahmed Yassawi into Turkish. In addition, during the meeting, the parties discussed issues of cooperation in many areas. In particular, within the framework of the program of double-degree academic mobility, special attention was paid to the development of education and science in accordance with modern requirements in the areas of advanced training for mentors, the creation of joint research projects, the training of specialists in the field of tourism and the exchange of experience.

The head of the university expressed confidence that the meeting will mark the beginning of a new stage of cooperation between the universities of the two countries, which will become a golden bridge for the development of international science and education.