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The Board of Directors of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., 71, announces a competition for vacant positions of members of the Management Board (Member of the Management Board-Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities; Member of the Board-Vice-Rector on operating activities; Member of the Management Board-Vice-Rector for Social Development; Member of the Management Board-Vice-Rector for Financial Activities) of the Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company "Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi", located at the address: Almaty city, al-Farabi ave., 71.
The purpose of the Society's activities is to create the necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality education, training and teaching aimed at the formation, development and professional development of an individual based on national and universal values, achievements of science and practice, as well as for the development of scientific potential and commercialization of developments.
The main subject of the Society's activities is the provision of educational services in the field of higher, postgraduate, technical and professional, post-secondary and additional education.
Requirements for the participants of the competition: higher and postgraduate education, work experience in managerial positions in educational organizations and (or) authorized bodies in the relevant areas for at least 5 years.
A person cannot take part in the competition:
1) under twenty-five years of age;
2) previously committed a corruption offense;
3) having an outstanding or unexpunged conviction;
4) who were registered in medical special institutions;
5) other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A person applying for participation in the competition submits the following documents:
1) an application in the prescribed form;
2) a copy of the identity document of the participant of the Competition;
3) the track record of the participant of the competition with a color photograph of 3x4 in the prescribed form;
4) copies of educational documents and supplements to them with the presentation of originals for verification;
5) a copy of a document confirming labor activity, certified by the personnel department at the place (current or last) of work;
6) medical certificate of health status (medical professional advisory opinion) in the form No. 075 / y;
7) a certificate from a neuropsychiatric organization, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents, in accordance with the legislation on public services;
8) a certificate from a narcological organization, issued no more than one year before the date of submission of documents in accordance with the legislation on public services;
9) a document confirming the absence of a ban on holding a position in accordance with criminal law.
Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition is carried out within 20 (twenty) calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement.
The date and place of the competition will be announced additionally. The above documents must be submitted in due time to the Corporate Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Address: Almaty city, al-Farabi ave., 71. Rectorate building, office. 13-09, phone: 8 (727) 377-33-33 (21-21), + 7705-150-97-95.
Additional requirements for participants in the competition
1. Member of the Management Board-Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities
1) the presence of a scientific degree of a candidate or doctor of science, a degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) and a doctor in the field;
2) it is preferable to have certificates (certificates) for advanced training in the relevant field and additional education in the field of management.
Availability of publications:
1) the presence of articles for the last 5 (five) years in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quartile according to the Journal Citation Reports Web of Science data or having a percentile Cite Score of at least 25 percentile in the Scopus database relevant scientific field. In the areas of social and human sciences, journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (sections Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index) by Clarivate Analytics, JSTOR are also taken into account.
2) the presence of publications in scientific journals included in the List of scientific publications recommended for publication of the main results of scientific activities approved by the COXON MES RK.
Functional responsibilities:
1. Carries out strategic planning and organization of scientific and innovative activities and integration of science and education in accordance with the University Development Strategy.
2. Forms the priorities of fundamental and applied scientific research and ensures the participation of the university in the implementation of projects that are of priority importance for the socio-economic and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Coordinates the training, retraining and training of highly qualified scientific personnel in priority areas of science.
4. Coordinates the participation of the university in republican and international scientific programs and projects and ensures publication activity in rating journals indexed in international databases.
5. Manages research institutes and coordinates the activities of the Scientific and Technical Council.
6. Promotes the attraction of investments in scientific activities and the promotion of innovative projects that have the potential for commercialization.
7. Coordinates activities to expand and develop scientific cooperation with foreign universities and research centers.
8. Contributes to the development and strengthening of the material and technical base of scientific research.
9. Promotes the achievements of scientific and innovative activities and editorial boards of scientific journals.
Implements patent and licensing support for the results of intellectual activity.
Knowledge, skills:
- knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the functioning and development of the education and science system;
- fluency in Kazakh, Russian and English (preferred);
- knowledge of the basic principles of scientific and innovative activities and research management;
- knowledge of technologies and tools for the commercialization of scientific results;
- knowledge of the basics of project and corporate management;
- skills in strategic planning and digitalization of business processes;
- skills of scientific fundraising and investment analysis of projects;
- skills of effective communication and negotiation.
- strategic and analytical thinking;
- transformational leadership;
- change management;
- creativity and solving complex problems;
- building a mutually beneficial partnership;
- result orientation.
2. Member of the Management Board - Vice-Rector for Operations
1) it is preferable to have certificates (certificates) for advanced training in the relevant field and additional education in the field of management.
Functional responsibilities:
1. Carries out strategic planning and organization of personnel and legal support of the university in accordance with the University Development Strategy.
2. Coordinates activities for the development and improvement of the organizational structure, management system of the university.
3. Provides the organization and control of the university's work on social protection and health protection (treatment and rehabilitation) of students and staff.
4. Coordinates the development of international cooperation and promotion of the university in Kazakhstani and international rankings.
5. Promotes the introduction of information and communication technologies and ensures the digitalization of the university's activities.
6. Ensures the effectiveness of HR management and develops cooperation with large Kazakhstani and international recruiting and marketing companies.
7. Ensures that employees comply with the Internal Regulations and the Corporate Culture Code.
8. Coordinates the development of information and publishing activities and ensures the collection of marketing information for statistics, forecasting and analysis of the educational services market.
Knowledge, skills:
- knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the functioning and development of the education and science system;
- fluency in Kazakh, Russian and English (preferred);
- knowledge of the basic principles of organizational management and administration;
- knowledge of the basics of project and corporate management;
- skills in strategic planning and digitalization of business processes;
- skills of fundraising, investment analysis;
- skills of effective communication and negotiation.
- strategic and analytical thinking;
- transformational leadership;
- change management
- creativity and solving complex problems;
- building a mutually beneficial partnership;
- result orientation.
3. Member of the Management Board - Vice-Rector for Social Development
1) it is preferable to have certificates (certificates) for advanced training in the relevant field and additional education in the field of management.
Functional responsibilities:
1. Carries out strategic planning and organization of youth policy and social activities, work in the field of public relations in accordance with the University Development Strategy.
2. Coordinates the development of student cooperation and the promotion of student projects and initiatives.
3. Develops effective interaction of university departments with student government bodies.
4. Promotes openness and accountability of settling and securing places in dormitories.
5. Ensures the implementation of the university's policy to support students with low income and / or with disabilities and from among orphans and children under guardianship.
6. Coordinates the university's anti-corruption and ethical activities and ensures the activities of the compliance service.
Knowledge, skills:
- knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the functioning and development of the education and science system;
- fluency in Kazakh, Russian and English (preferred);
- knowledge of the basics of youth policy and work with students;
- knowledge of the basic principles of communication management;
- knowledge of the basics of project and corporate management;
- skills in strategic planning and digitalization of business processes;
- skills in organizing events with the participation of students;
- skills of effective communication and negotiation.
- strategic and analytical thinking;
- transformational leadership;
- change management
- creativity and solving complex problems;
- building a mutually beneficial partnership;
- result orientation.
4. Member of the Management Board - Vice-Rector for Financial Activities
1) it is preferable to have certificates (certificates) for advanced training in the relevant field
2) preferably additional education in the field of financial management and business administration and the availability of international certificates.
Functional responsibilities:
1. Carries out strategic planning and organization of financial, economic and infrastructural activities in accordance with the University Development Strategy.
2. Coordinates investment activities and forms the university budget.
3. Forms and improves the tax and accounting policy of the university.
4. Provides attraction of direct and indirect investments for the development and improvement of the university infrastructure.
5. Analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of financial activities and implements the risk management strategy.
6. Ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the life support systems of the university (energy, water, heat supply) and organizes work on civil defense.
7. Supervises the movement and spending of funds, the conclusion of contracts and the implementation of representation on financial and economic issues and the construction of facilities.
Knowledge, skills:
- knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the functioning and development of the education and science system;
- fluency in Kazakh, Russian and English (preferred);
- knowledge of the basic principles of financial management and budget planning;
- knowledge of methods of financial analysis and risk management assessment;
- knowledge of the basics of project and corporate management;
- skills in strategic planning and digitalization of business processes;
- skills of effective management of budgets and assets of organizations;
- skills of effective communication and negotiation.
- strategic and analytical thinking;
- transformational leadership;
- change management;
- creativity and solving complex problems;
- building a mutually beneficial partnership;
- result orientation.