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At the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a series of public lectures on the theme "Let there be a path to science" continues as part of the events "Otyz zhyldyga - otyz apta" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These lectures were delivered by scientists of the ISESCO Department of Islamic Civilization Studies of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (IIAU). Today's guests are leading scientists and qualified specialists in the field of Islamic studies and oriental studies in Uzbekistan.
The seminar was opened by Khabibullo Sagdiev, Associate Professor of the ISESCO Department, Doctor of Philosophy, Arabic philologist, orientalist, with a report "Description and codicological analysis of the work of Abu Ja'far Takhavi" al-Akidatu-t-Tahawiya ". In this lecture, the lecturer introduced the audience to the content of the treatise "al-Akidatu-t-Tahawiya" by the famous Hanafi scholar Abu Ja'far Tahavi, which is taught in madrasahs and religious universities of the CIS countries. The codicological analysis of the well-known manuscripts of the treatise "al-Akidatu-t-Tahaviyya", which are stored in various collections of world libraries, is covered. The lecture also provides information on the comments made by famous scholars to the treatise "al-Akidatu-t-Tahawiyya", among which there were ulema from Taraz.
The webinar was continued by the head of the department, Doctor of Philosophy, Islamic scholar Mirodil Khaidarov with a report "Ways of solving family problems between couples in Islam." The relevance of measures aimed at caring for the family was analyzed, an increase in the number of divorces, repeated marriages was noted, information was given about family conflicts, children left without parental care. The lecture also highlights the basics of strengthening and flourishing family relationships in society.
The last topic of the webinar was “The problem of religious tolerance in the views of Abu Mansur al-Maturidi”. This issue was raised by ISESCO associate professor, doctor of historical sciences, Arab philologist, orientalist Saidmukhtor Akilov on the topic of tolerance, which is relevant not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries of Central Asia. Based on the manuscripts of Abu Mansur al-Maturidi, the founder of Maturidism, the traditional religious school that our ancestors followed for centuries, he examined fundamental solutions to this problem, citing the work of a scholar.
The program consisted of three meetings in the indicated areas. At the end of the webinar, scientists from the two countries expressed their readiness for cooperation and exchange of experience in strengthening state policy on religious issues.
Famous religious scholars, Islamic scholars and young scientists, including undergraduates and doctoral students from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, took part in the international lecture.
The organizer of the public lecture is the Al-Farabi Center. The lecture was held online on the ZOOM platform.
Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU