


On the eve of the celebration of the Day of Mass Media Workers in Almaty, a competition among journalists was held, timed to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The organizer of the competition was the Akimat of Almaty.

The main topics of the competition were devoted to the development of Almaty, work in a pandemic and social projects. More than 200 works came to the competition, of which only 18 were awarded awards and diplomas. Among the winners was Lyazzat Kusainova, a 4th year student of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University of the Faculty of Journalism, who won in the nomination "Best documentary / author's material on the real history of combating the pandemic."

Lyazzat was awarded an honorary diploma, and also an electric scooter was presented to her as a prize.

For the second year she has been successfully working as a correspondent for a leading republican publication. And at the beginning of this month she perfectly defended her thesis at her home university on the topic: "Psychological approaches in journalism: modern methods of interviewing" in English.

“I am very pleased to receive such a high assessment of my work. I thank all my mentors who taught and guided me from the first year. I think it is a great achievement to receive such a prestigious award among feather sharks, ”said Lyazzat.

It should be noted that the best works of journalists were evaluated by the competition committee, which was represented by independent experts in the field of the media sphere - professor, academician, president of the Academy of Journalism Sagymbay Kozybayev; Academician of the Academy of Journalism of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the International Academy of Eurasia, leading researcher of the International Center for the Rapprochement of Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO Valery Zhandauletov; President of the Kazakhstan Press Club, Chairman of the Council of the National Association for Public Relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asel Karaulova. Deputy Akim of Almaty city Yerzhan Babakumarov took part in the awarding ceremony, who noted the importance of the work of the media and congratulated all the participants in the competition.

We congratulate the journalist and wish you further creative victories!

Press service of Al-Farabi KazNU